Paper der Woche

Einmal pro Woche fassen wir ein wissenschaftliches Paper oder einen Journal Artikel in Form eines Social-Media-Threads zusammen. Hier listen wir sämtliche Papers, die Quellenangaben und die dazugehörigen Threads jeweils zu unseren Schwerpunkten Arbeit, Klima und Verteilung.

Acemoglu, D., He, A., & le Maire, D. (2022). Eclipse of Rent-Sharing: The Effects of Managers’ Business Education on Wages and the Labor Share in the US and Denmark (No. w29874). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Alonso, C., Brussevich, M., Dabla-Norris, M. E., Kinoshita, Y., & Kochhar, M. K. (2019). Reducing and redistributing unpaid work: Stronger policies to support gender equality. International Monetary Fund. Twitter
Alvarez, J., Bluedorn, M. J. C., Hansen, M. N. J. H., Huang, Y., Pugacheva, E., & Sollaci, A. (2022). Wage-price spirals: What is the historical evidence?. International Monetary Fund. Twitter
Artz, B., Goodall, A. H., & Oswald, A. J. (2018). Do women ask?. Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, 57(4), 611-636. Twitter
Autor, D., Dube, A., & McGrew, A. (2023). The unexpected compression: Competition at work in the low wage labor market (No. w31010). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Boll, P. D., Mergele, L., & Zierow, L. (2022). The gender pay gap in university student employment. Empirical Economics, 1-61. Twitter
Bonneau, C., & Grobon, S. (2022). Unequal access to higher education based on parental income: evidence from France. Documents de travail du Centre d’Économie de la Sorbonne. Twitter
Bosch, N., & Micevska-Scharf, M. (2017). Who Bears the Burden of Social Security Contributions in the Netherlands? Evidence from Dutch Administrative Data. Twitter
Bossler, M., & Schank, T. (2023). Wage inequality in Germany after the minimum wage introduction. Journal of Labor Economics, 41(3), 000-000. Twitter
Bostwick, V. K., & Weinberg, B. A. (2022). Nevertheless she persisted? Gender peer effects in doctoral STEM programs. Journal of Labor Economics, 40(2), 397-436. Twitter
Bowles H. R., Babcock L. & Lai L. (2006). Social incentives for gender differences in the propensity to initiate negotiations: Sometimes it does hurt to ask. Mastodon
Cahuc, P., & Carcillo, S. (2014). The detaxation of overtime hours: lessons from the French experiment. Journal of Labor Economics, 32(2), 361-400. Twitter
Card, D., & Krueger, A. B. (1993). Minimum wages and employment: A case study of the fast food industry in New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Twitter
Cárdenas, L., & Villanueva, P. (2021). Challenging the working time reduction and wages trade-off: a simulation for the Spanish economy. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 45(2), 333-351. Twitter
Cengiz, D., Dube, A., Lindner, A., & Zipperer, B. (2019). The effect of minimum wages on low-wage jobs. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 134(3), 1405-1454. Twitter
Corradini, V., Lagos, L., & Sharma, G. (2022). Collective Bargaining for Women: How Unions Can Create Female-Friendly Jobs. IZA DP No. 15552. Twitter
De Henau, J., & Himmelweit, S. (2021). A care-led recovery from COVID-19: Investing in high-quality care to stimulate and rebalance the economy. Feminist Economics, 27(1-2), 453-469. Twitter
Derenoncourt, E., Noelke, C., Weil, D., & Taska, B. (2021). Spillover effects from voluntary employer minimum wages (No. w29425). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Derndorfer, J., Disslbacher, F., Lechinger, V., Mader, K., & Six, E. (2021). Home, sweet home? The impact of working from home on the division of unpaid work during the COVID-19 lockdown. PloS one, 16(11), e0259580. Twitter
Duchini, E., & Van Effenterre, C. (2022). School schedule and the gender pay gap. Journal of Human Resources, 0121-11431R2. Twitter
Dustmann, C., Lindner, A., Schönberg, U., Umkehrer, M., & Vom Berge, P. (2022). Reallocation effects of the minimum wage. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(1), 267-328. Twitter
Engbom, N., & Moser, C. (2022). Earnings Inequality and the Minimum Wage: Evidence from Brazil. American Economic Review, 112 (12): 3803-47. Twitter
Farooq, A., Kugler, A. D., & Muratori, U. (2020). Do unemployment insurance benefits improve match quality? Evidence from recent US recessions (No. w27574). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Fessler, P., & Schneebaum, A. (2019). The educational and labor market returns to preschool attendance in Austria. Applied economics, 51(32), 3531-3550. Twitter
Hammerschmid, A., & Rowold, C. (2019). Gender Pension Gaps in Europa hängen eindeutiger mit Arbeitsmärkten als mit Rentensystemen zusammen. DIW Wochenbericht, 86(25), 440-447. Twitter
Hanzl, L., & Rehm, M. (2021). Less work, more labor: School closures and work hours during the COVID-19 pandemic in Austria (No. 12). ifso working paper.
Heimberger, P. (2024). Fiscal consolidation and its growth effects in euro area countries: Past, present and future outlook. The Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies. Mastodon
Illing, H., Schmieder, J. F., & Trenkle, S. (2021). The gender gap in earnings losses after job displacement (No. w29251). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Kasy, M., & Lehner, L. (2022). Employing the unemployed of Marienthal: Evaluation of a guaranteed job program. Twitter
Klein Martins, G. (2024). Long-run Effects of Austerity: An Analysis of Size Dependence and Persistence in Fiscal Multipliers. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics. Mastodon
Ku, H. (2022). Does minimum wage increase labor productivity? Evidence from piece rate workers. Journal of Labor Economics, 40(2), 325-359. Twitter
Manning, A. (2021). The elusive employment effect of the minimum wage. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 35(1), 3-26. Twitter
Marinescu, I., Skandalis, D., & Zhao, D. (2021). The impact of the federal pandemic unemployment compensation on job search and vacancy creation. Journal of Public Economics, 200, 104471. Twitter
Mertens, M. (2022). Fallende Lohnquoten: Die Rolle von Technologie und Marktmacht. Wirtschaft im Wandel, 28(2), 32-35.
Mueller, A. I., Osterwalder, D., Zweimüller, J., & Kettemann, A. (2018). Vacancy durations and entry wages: Evidence from linked vacancy-employer-employee data (No. w25118). National Bureau of Economic Research. Twitter
Müllbacher, S. & Nagl, W. (2017). Labour supply in Austria: an assessment of recent developments and the effects of a tax reform. Empirica. Mastodon
Nekoei, A., & Weber, A. (2017). Does extending unemployment benefits improve job quality?. American Economic Review, 107(2), 527-61. Twitter
Nekoei, A., & Weber, A. (2020). Seven facts about temporary layoffs. Twitter
Patnaik, A. (2019). Reserving time for daddy: The consequences of fathers’ quotas. Journal of Labor Economics, 37(4), 1009-1059.
Schalembier, B., Bleys, B., Van Ootegem, L., & Verhofstadt, E. (2019). How relative income affects work hours preferences. Applied Economics, 51(51), 5545-5558. Twitter
Seo, H. (2021). ‘Dual’labour market? Patterns of segmentation in European labour markets and the varieties of precariousness. Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 27(4), 485-503. Twitter
Soffia, M., Wood, A. J., & Burchell, B. (2021). Alienation is not ‘Bullshit’: An empirical critique of Graeber’s theory of BS jobs. Work, Employment and Society, 09500170211015067. Twitter
Tamm, M. (2019). Fathers’ parental leave-taking, childcare involvement and labor market participation. Labour Economics, 59, 184-197. Twitter
Tron, A.; Dallochio, M.; Ferri, S & Colantonidies, F. (2022). Corporate governance and financial distress: lessons learned from an unconventional approach. Bluesky
Yerkes, M. A. & Javornik, J. (2019). Creating capabilities: Childcare policies in comparative perspective. Journal of European Social Policy, 29(4), 529-544. Twitter
Zacchia, G. & Zuazu, I. (2023). The Wage Effect of Workplace Sexual Harassment: Evidence for Women in Europe. Institute for New Economic Thinking Working Paper Series, 205. Twitter