Paper der Woche

Einmal pro Woche fassen wir ein wissenschaftliches Paper oder einen Journal Artikel in Form eines Social-Media-Threads zusammen. Hier listen wir sämtliche Papers, die Quellenangaben und die dazugehörigen Threads jeweils zu unseren Schwerpunkten Arbeit, Klima und Verteilung.

Agrawal, D., Poterba, J., & Zidar, O. (2024). Policy Responses to Tax Competition: An Introduction. NBER Working Papers 32090. Twitter
Alesina, A., Miano, A., & Stantcheva, S. (2018). Immigration and redistribution. National Bureau of Economic Research No. 24733. Twitter
Alstadsæter, A., Godar, S., Nicolaides, P., & Zucman, G. (2023). Global Tax Evasion Report 2024. EU Tax Observatory. Twitter
Alstadsæter, A., Johannesen, N., & Zucman, G. (2019). Tax evasion and inequality. American Economic Review, 109(6), 2073-2103. Twitter
Alstadsæter, A., Johannesen, N., Le Guern Herry, S., & Zucman, G. (2022). Tax evasion and tax avoidance. Journal of Public Economics, 206,104587. Twitter
Ansell, B., & Cansunar, A. (2021). The political consequences of housing (un) affordability. Journal of European Social Policy, 31(5), 597-613. Twitter
Arce, O., Ciccarelli, M., Kornprobst, A., & Montes-Galdón, C. (2024). What Caused the Euro Area Post-Pandemic Inflation? An application of Bernanke and Blanchard (2023). ECB Occasional Paper No. 343. Twitter
Balboni, C., Bandiera, O., Burgess, R., Ghatak, M., & Heil, A. (2022). Why do people stay poor? The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 137(2), 785-844. Twitter
Bassoli, E., & Brilli, Y. (2023). Working longer or opting out? Women’s costly response to a recent pension reform. Paris School of Economics. Twitter
Bornukova, K., Hernández, A., & Picos, F. (2024). Investing in Children: The Impact of EU Tax and Benefit Systems on Child Poverty and Inequality, JRC Working Papers on Taxation and Structural Reforms, 2/2024. Twitter
Buckman, S. R., Choi, L. Y., Daly, M. C., & Seitelman, L. M. (2022). The Economic Gains from Equity. Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 2021(2), 71-139. Twitter
Canale, R. R., & Liotti, G. (2021). Controversial effects of public debt on wage share: the case of the eurozone. Applied Economics, 53(39), 4533-4543. Twitter
Cavallo, A. (2020). Inflation with Covid consumption baskets. NBER Working Paper No. 27352. Twitter
Cavallo, A., & Kryvtsov, O. (2024). Price discounts and cheapflation during the post-pandemic inflation surge. Journal Of Monetary Economics, 103644. Bluesky
Disslbacher, F., & Rapp, S. (2024). Leaving legacies and liabilities: The distribution of wealth at death. World Inequality Lab. Mastodon
Domènech-Arumí, G. (2022). Neighborhoods, Perceived Inequality, and Preferences for Redistribution: Evidence from Barcelona. Working Papers ECARES 2022-09. Twitter
Drechsler, I., Savov, A., & Schnabl, P. (2022). How monetary policy shaped the housing boom. Journal of Financial Economics, 144(3), 992-1021. Twitter
Fastenrath, F., Marx, P., Truger, A., & Vitt, H. (2022). Why is it so difficult to tax the rich? Evidence from German policy-makers. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 767-786. Twitter
Fessler, P., & Schürz, M. (2020). Structuring the Analysis of Wealth Inequality using the Functions of Wealth: A Class-Based Approach. In Measuring and Understanding the Distribution and Intra/Inter-Generational Mobility of Income and Wealth. University of Chicago. Twitter
Fessler, P., & Schürz, M. (2024). Privateigentum und Zugang zu Ressourcen: Wege zu einer egalitären Gesellschaft in Österreich. In Sozialbericht 2024. Band II: Sozialpolitische Analysen. Bundesministerium für Soziales, Gesundheit, Pflege und Konsumentenschutz. 279-337. Twitter
Fritzsche, C., & Rohleder, R. (2017). Effekte von Änderungen der Grunderwerbsteuer – Ein Überblick über die Ergebnisse internationaler Studien. ifo Dresden berichtet, 24(5), 9–14. Twitter
Furceri, D., Loungani, P., Ostry, J. D., & Pizzuto, P. (2021). The rise in inequality after pandemics: can fiscal support play a mitigating role? Industrial and Corporate Change, 30(2), 445-457. Twitter
Gabriel, R. D., Klein, M., & Pessoa, A. S. (2022). The Political Costs of Austerity. Sveriges Riksbank Working Paper Series, No. 418. Twitter
Gechert, S., & Heimberger, P. (2022). Do corporate tax cuts boost economic growth? European Economic Review, 147, 104157. Twitter
Goupille-Lebret, J., & Infante, J. (2018). Behavioral responses to inheritance tax: Evidence from notches in France. Journal of Public Economics, 168, 21-34. Twitter
Haldane, A. G., Migliavacca, A., & Palea, V. (2024). Is accounting a matter for bookkeepers only? The effects of IFRS adoption on the financialisation of economy. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 48, 489–511. Twitter
Halvorsen, E., Hubmer, J., Ozkan, S., & Salgado, S. (2023). Why Are the Wealthiest So Wealthy? A Longitudinal Empirical Investigation, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Working Paper 2023-004. Twitter
Hansen, N.-J., Toscani, F., & Zhou, J. (2023). Euro area inflation after the pandemic and energy shock: Import prices, profits and wages. International Monetary Fund. Twitter
Heimberger, P. (2020). Potential Output, EU Fiscal Surveillance and the COVID-19 Shock. Intereconomics, 55(3), 167-174. Twitter
Hope, D., & Limberg, J. (2022). The economic consequences of major tax cuts for the rich. Socio-Economic Review, 20(2), 539-559. Twitter
Humer, S., & Moser, M. (2016). Zur kalten Progression und den Verteilungswirkungen ihrer Abgeltung. Twitter
Jacques, O., & Noël, A. (2022). Welfare state decommodification and population health. Plos one, 17(8), e0272698. Twitter
Jakobsen, K., Kleven, H., Kolsrud, J., Landais, C., & Muñoz, M. (2024). Taxing Top Wealth: Migration Responses and their Aggregate Economic Implications. National Bureau of Economic Research, 45(4), 665-692. Mastodon
Javdani, M., & Chang, H.-J. (2023). Who said or what said? Estimating ideological bias in views among economists. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 47(2), 309–339. Twitter
Jestl, S., & List, E. (2022). Inequality, Redistribution, and the Financial Crisis: Evidence from Distributional National Accounts for Austria. Review of Income and Wealth, 69(1), 195–227. Twitter
Jofre-Monseny, J., Martínez-Mazza, R., & Segú, M. (2023). Effectiveness and supply effects of high-coverage rent control policies. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 101, 103916. Twitter
Joshi, P., Outslay, E., Persson, A., Shevlin, T., & Venkat, A. (2020). Does public country‐by‐country reporting deter tax avoidance and income shifting? Evidence from the European banking industry. Contemporary accounting research, 37(4), 2357-2397. Twitter
Kadi, J., Banabak, S., & Schneider, A. (2022). Widening Gaps – Socio-spatial inequality in the very european city of Vienna. Cities, 131, 103887. Twitter
Kholodilin, K. A., & Kohl, S. (2021). Rent Price Control–Yet Another Great Equalizer of Economic Inequalities? Evidence from a Century of Historical Data. DIW Discussion Paper 1927. Twitter
Kleven, H., Landais, C., Munoz, M., & Stantcheva, S. (2020). Taxation and migration: Evidence and policy implications. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 34(2), 119-142. Twitter
Klien, M., Huber, P., Reschenhofer, P., Gutheil-Knopp-Kirchwald, G., & Kössl, G. (2023). Die preisdämpfende Wirkung des gemeinnützigen Wohnbaus in Österreich. WIFO. Twitter
Korpi W., & Palme J. (1998). The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality, and Poverty in the Western Countries. Korpi, Walter; Palme, Joakim Working Paper The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality and Poverty in the Western Countries LIS Working Paper Series, No. 174 Provided in Cooperation with: Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Suggested Citation: Korpi, Walter; Palme, Joakim (1998) : The Paradox of Redistribution and Strategies of Equality: Welfare State Institutions, Inequality and Poverty in the Western Countries, LIS Working Paper Series No. 174. Twitter
Lichtenberger, A., Schütz, B., & Heimberger P. (2024). Eine Analyse der Verteilung von öffentlichen Fördergeldern im Zuge der Dekarbonisierung. Bluesky
Marti, S., Martínez, I. Z., & Scheuer, F. (2023). Does a progressive wealth tax reduce top wealth inequality? Evidence from Switzerland. Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 39(3), 513–529. Twitter
Mathisen, R. (2021). Taxing the 1 per cent: Public Opinion vs Public Policy. British Journal of Political Science, 1-17. Twitter
Matsaganis, M., & Flevotomou, M. (2007). The impact of mortgage interest tax relief in the Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Italy and Greece. EUROMOD Working Paper, No. EM2/07. Twitter
Mattauch, L., Klenert, D., Stiglitz, J. E., & Edenhofer, O. (2022). Overcoming wealth inequality by capital taxes that finance public investment. Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 63, 383-395. Twitter
Matteazzi, E., & Scherer, S. (2021). Gender Wage Gap and the Involvement of Partners in Household Work. Work, Employment and Society, 35(3), 490-508. Twitter
McDougal, L., Klugman, J., Dehingia, N., Trivedi, A., & Raj, A. (2019). Financial inclusion and intimate partner violence: What does the evidence suggest? PLoS ONE, 14(10). Bluesky
Messner, T., Rumler, F., & Strasser, G. (2023). Cross-country price and inflation dispersion: retail network or national border? ECB Working Paper Series, No. 2776. Twitter
Mian, A. R., Straub, L., & Sufi, A. (2021). What explains the decline in r*? Rising income inequality versus demographic shifts. Rising Income Inequality Versus Demographic Shifts. University of Chicago, Becker Friedman Institute for Economics Working Paper, 2021-104. Twitter
Nekoei, A., & Seim, D. (2018). How do inheritances shape wealth inequality? Theory and evidence from Sweden. (September 2018). Twitter
Ophir, A., & Polos, J. (2021). Care Life Expectancy: Gender and Unpaid Work in the Context of Population Aging. Population Research and Policy Review, 41(1), 197–227. Twitter
Parolin, Z., Pintro Schmitt, R., Esping-Andersen, G., & Fallesen, P. (2023). The Intergenerational Persistence of Poverty in High-Income Countries. OSF Preprints. Twitter
Pavese, C., & Rubolino, E. (2023). Austerity Harmed Student Achievement. The Economic Journal, 134(659), 1199–1227. Twitter
Persson, M., & Sundell, A. (2023). The Rich Have a Slight Edge: Evidence from Comparative Data on Income-Based Inequality in Policy Congruence. British Journal of Political Science, 54(2), 1-12. Twitter
Piketty, T., Saez, E., & Zucman, G. (2022). Rethinking Capital and Wealth Taxation. World Inequality Lab – Working Paper, 2022(18). Twitter
Polacko, M. (2022). The rightward shift and electoral decline of social democratic parties under increasing inequality. West European Politics, 45(4), 665-692. Mastodon
Ronald, R., & Kadi, J. (2018). The revival of private landlords in Britain’s post-homeownership society. New Political Economy, 23(6), 786-803. Twitter
Saez, E., & Zucman, G. (2021). A Wealth Tax on Corporations’ Stock. University of California Berkeley. Twitter
Saez, E., & Zucman, G. (2022). Wealth Taxation: Lessons from History and Recent Developments. AEA Papers and Proceedings, 112, 58-62. Twitter
Schäfer, A. (2010). Die Folgen sozialer Ungleichheit für die Demokratie in Westeuropa. Zeitschrift für vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, 4(1), 131-156. Mastodon
Schechtl, M. (2022). Taking from the Disadvantaged? Consumption Tax Induced Poverty across Household Types in Eleven OECD Countries. Social Policy and Society, 1-15. Twitter
Schechtl, M., & Tisch, D. (2022). Tax principles, policy feedback and self-interest: cross-national experimental evidence on wealth tax preferences. Socio-Economic Review, 2023, 00 (0), 1-22. Twitter
Schulz, J., & Milaković, M. (2023). How wealthy are the rich? Review of Income and Wealth, 69(1), 100-123. Twitter
Segú, M. (2020). The impact of taxing vacancy on housing markets: Evidence from France. Journal of Public Economics, 185. Twitter
Seim, D. (2017). Behavioral responses to wealth taxes: Evidence from Sweden. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(4), 395-421. Twitter
Sprengholz, M., & Hamjediers, M. (2022). Intersections and Commonalities: Using Matching to Decompose Wage Gaps by Gender and Nativity in Germany. Work and Occupations, 51(2). Twitter
Stansbury, A., & Schultz, R. (2023). The economics profession’s socioeconomic diversity problem. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 37(4), 207-230. Twitter
Stantcheva, S. (2022). Inequalities in the Times of a Pandemic. NBER Working Paper No. 29657. Twitter
Theine, H., Humer, S., Moser, M., & Schnetzer, M. (2022). Emissions inequality: Disparities in income, expenditure, and the carbon footprint in Austria. Ecological Economics, 197, 107435. Twitter
Tørsløv, T., Wier, L., & Zucman, G. (2023). The missing profits of nations. The Review of Economic Studies, 90(3), 1499-1534. Twitter
Weber, I. M., & Wasner, E. (2023). Sellers‘ Inflation, Profits and Conflict: Why can Large Firms Hike Prices in an Emergency? Economics Department Working Paper Series, 343. Twitter
Weber, I. M., Jauregui, J. L., Teixeira, L., & Pires, L. (2022). Inflation in Times of Overlapping Emergencies: Systemically Significant Prices from an Input-output Perspective. Working Paper. Twitter
Wiß, T., & Pilgerstorfer, T. (2025). The role of political representation for the availability of childcare in municipalities of Upper Austria. Österreichische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 54(1), 1-29. Bluesky
Wissenschaftliche Dienste des Deutschen Bundestages (2021). Übergewinnsteuer – historische Hintergründe, aktuelle Diskussionen und rechtliche Fragen. WD4 – 3000 – 023/21. Twitter
Xue, B., & McMunn, A. (2021). Gender differences in unpaid care work and psychological distress in the UK Covid-19 lockdown. PLoS ONE, 16(3). Bluesky